Collaboration System Design
What is Wireless Collaboration?

In simple terms, wireless collaboration is the process of two or more people working together to present and share content to and from a larger display using wireless technology.

But wireless collaboration is about more than just the technology wirelessly connecting devices. Consider all the reasons why people use wireless collaboration systemms to encourage discussion, interaction, connection, exploration, and innovation—and to improve productivity and engagement.

Creating safer, easier and smarter work areas for group collaboration is essential to corporations and schools worldwide as they consider how to transition back to the office or campus.


Corporate Video Conference & Collaboration System Design
At the heart of a great team… is great communication!
Connect your teams with the experience they love, in the Office applications they use every day providing wireless connectivity from their laptop or portable device. with Zoom, Teams, Google Meet,  you can simplify your infrastructure with one platform for calling, conferencing, video, and sharing. Commercial Audio Video specializes in integrating your Corporate Boardroom, Conference Room, or Training room with State of the Art  AV Equipment and Wireless Collaboration platforms.

About Wisconsin Audio Video

We Have a team of certified designers ready to provide a FREE consultation with you on the right products for your business. We operate in and around Madison, WI Eau Claire, WI, Wausau, WI, Milwaukee, WI,  Dubuque, IA,  Galena, IL and Rockford, IL

Additionally, Commercial Audio Video is part of the MOOD: Media National Service Network of service making our installation professionals talents unrivaled in the industry. We have more than 450 professional technicians who can mount, connect and set up all equipment for any location across the country.